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最新动生物 ,数量:41857
Charippus yunnanensis
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Carapace length 2.46 (variation: 2.41–2.46, n=2); abdomen length 2.32. Measurements of eyes: AME 0.47, ALE 0.32, PME 0.07, PLE 0.29. Measurements of legs: I 4.71 (1.46, 0.93, 1.14, 0.66, 0.52), II 3.8
Hyllus shanhonghani
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Total length 13.92. Carapace 5.63 long, 5.11 wide. Abdomen 7.64 long, 6.07 wide. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.96, ALE 0.32, PME 0.12, PLE 0.41, AME–AME 0.27, AME–ALE 0.30, PME– PME 2.76, PME–PL
Orcevia sicus
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Total length 5.04: cephalothorax 2.49 long, 1.88 wide; abdomen 2.80 long, 1.88 wide. Carapace oval, dark brown, and with iridescent purple, cephalic region flatter than thoracic region, furnished with
Sparbambus gombakensis
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Total length: 6.24; carapace: 2.58 long, 1.94 wide; abdomen: 3.27 long. Carapace flat and dark, dorsum sporadically scattered with several white patches. Lateral margins of carapace with longitudinal
Spartaeus serratus
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Total length 9.60. Prosoma 3.40 long, 2.40 wide. Opisthosoma 6.20 long, 2.70 wide. Clypeus height 0.15. Carapace (Fig. 5A) bulged, covered with dense short white hairs, sides and ocular area black, a
Diphya wulingensis
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长2.08。胴体长0.98,宽0.71,橙褐色,眼区有一粗大的角。(图 9A, B)。肩胛骨高0.20。AME 直径 0.04, ALE 0.07, PME 0.06, PLE 0.07,AME间距为其直径的0.46倍,AME–ALE间距为0.38倍ALE的直径,PME的距离是其直径的0.50倍,PME–PLE的距离是其直径的0.55倍。 0.55倍PLE直径。胸骨长0.58,宽0.53。颈部四节
Chilobrachys lubricus
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TL 25.03; chelicerae length 5.28, carapace 10.89 long, 10.67 wide; carapace covered with gold pink setae, fovea slightly procurved. Ocular tubercle cling to front edge of carapace, posterior eye row s
Selenocosmia anubis
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TL 22.84; chelicerae length 5.44, carapace 9.97 long, 7.92 wide; carapace covered with short yellowish grey setae, fovea shallow and procurved. Ocular tubercle cling to front edge of carapace, eyes in
Selenocosmia jiafu
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Total length (including chelicerae) 23.50, cephalothorax 9.71 long, 8.45 wide; abdomen 11.82 long, 7.39 wide. Carapace yellow–brown with reticulated patch and long hairs. Eye group 1.10 long, 1.82 wi
Selenocosmia longiembola
人气:0, 图片:0
TL 28.55; chelicerae length 5.97, carapace 14.70 long, 12.34 wide; carapace covered with short yellowish brown setae. Fovea slightly procurved. Ocular tubercle cling to front edge of carapace; eyes in
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